Am I the Only One?

Am I the Only One?

 In this day and age where digital is king and anyone can pick up a camera and call themselves a photographer, the challenge to stand out and be seen is increasingly more difficult.

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Too Long

Too Long

Has it really been an entire year since I last left behind my thoughts and experiences for you to peruse and absorb? Crazy how fast time passes and how far one can go in that amount of time.

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Cruise, Anyone?

Cruise, Anyone?

For some reason I knew heading into this vacation that it was going to be a chill, relaxing, non-eventful time with a much older crowd that wanted nothing more than to enjoy the comforts of cruising without the crazy party vibe of those pesky twenty-somethings. Well, that's exactly what I got. 

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It's no surprise that it rained almost the entire time I was in Seattle, but I loved it. The one afternoon we planned to explore downtown, the Lord blessed us with partly cloudy skies and no rain. A true miracle. 

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This is my favorite set so far. After leaving Las Vegas, I drove past this abandon rest stop right at sunset. I couldn't resist pulling over and checking it out. I hope you enjoy!

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Christmas for the Orphans

Christmas for the Orphans

We had an awesome time serving the kids in Mexico for Christmas. They had a blast and we know they look forward to it every year. A big thanks to the Better Together Mexico team of missionaries and supporters for making it happen.

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Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

I'm excited to learn the next chapter the Lord has written for me. At this point, I am open to whatever He needs me to do. I seriously cannot thank you all enough for your continued support and encouragement throughout this adventure. 

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Las Vegas, California, & Oregon

Las Vegas, California, & Oregon

Here are just a few pics I grabbed in Vegas, on the coast of California, outside of Portland, and along the Oregon coast. More are coming. I know, the anticipation is killing you. Please enjoy these beauties until more come along to satisfy your palate. 

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Internet Access Matters

Internet Access Matters

Prepare yourself for an onslaught of photo uploads that have been backlogged due to this country's refusal to provide free WiFi access everywhere I go. I am not saying the government is against me, just against providing you with updates to our adventure and all God is doing. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. 

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