Too Long

Has it really been an entire year since I last left behind my thoughts and experiences for you to peruse and absorb? Crazy how fast time passes and how far one can go in that amount of time. I have to be honest and say that I didn't go very far since I last expressed myself on these pages. Actually, I didn't go anywhere at all, physically. Let's just back up to where we left off so I can get you caught up on what's going on. I warn you that this post will contain mostly facts and figures, but I will undoubtedly still deliver them with a genuine wit and candor. Here we go.

When I last left you I had just arrived back from a cruise around the caribbean with my amazing mom after the holidays, not knowing where I was going to go next or if I was even meant to go back out on the road to continue my amazing adventure. Turns out, I was not. The calling to travel had gone and I knew it was time to settle back in at home and begin another chapter here in Albuquerque. Don't get me wrong, however. The desire to travel has never left me and I long everyday for the next opportunity to go. Mostly, the desire for a white, sandy beach, warm sun, crystal clear water that beckons me with every glistening, gentle lap on the shore, and endless fruity drinks with little umbrellas in them. I don't know why my drink needs to be shielded so delicately from the sun, but I'm not going to argue because it's part of the experience.  My desire to learn the enticing ways of a beach bum are not without effort. I've continually tried to convince my mom to sell her house so we can hop a plane and go. Explaining that we will figure it out when we get there. Needless to say, she is reluctant for now. I digress.

Anyways, it was time to get back to the real world of a regular nine to five, an idea I wasn't totally in love with. I knew the adventure was over for now, and, although, I was completely comforted by the homie amenities and finally a place to call my own, it wasn't easy adapting back into the old life. Bottom line is, I trust in God and have no doubts whatsoever that the adventure was a complete success and He was ready for me to continue on the plan He has for me here in the city. I got a job--two, actually--and began reestablishing myself in the feeding line of society. It wasn't so bad, I must say. I enjoyed my job at the news station running camera and floor directing for the morning news. Definitely relished in the fact that I never had to sit in traffic since no one else felt it necessary to commute to work at 3:30 in the morning. Perks of the job, I suppose. Fast forward through several non-eventful months to a new job opportunity at a place I now know and love. After seven months getting up at the same time I used to go to bed, it was time to find a different source of income and daily purpose. Once again, the Lord already had His hand in the game, arranging circumstances for my favor. Through the connection of a friend, I landed my current job at Alliance AV. An audio, visual company that rents out and sets up gear for conferences and events around the city and the country. There it is, my travel bug getting fed, but this time being paid to do so. Incredible. I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life where I can truly express a love for my job on every level. The people, pay, opportunities, and tasks are all the exact ingredients I need to make it a joy to go to work every day. I know that sounds cliche, but I really don't care because it couldn't be more true. Totally satisfied.

Now here we are, basically caught up to where I am today. I know that was just surfacey information and nothing really profound or deep, but I just wanted you to know what you missed during my absence from this site. To be honest, I thought about writing something several times. I felt an obligation, almost a guilt, for not keeping up with my blog after I returned home. I mean, what was I going to talk about? What amazing, incredible event happened that would inspire a new post? Nothing. Then, just yesterday, I read the "Why do I do this?" section on my blog page and was reminded. The funny thing is, I don't even recall writing that blip. I sure am glad I did, though. As any creative person knows, creativity comes in waves. A total ebb and flow of ideas and inspiration. Today, I am inspired to get back to writing, to updating my website, and to communicating through my photography again. In fact, I still have a couple sets from my adventure that have yet to be edited and posted for your enjoyment. For that, I appologize. 

I sincerely wish I had some enlightening revelations about God and my future to share with you, but I am sad to report no such thing. Except to say that my journey around the country strengthened me and my communion with my heavenly Father to a level I would have never reached in such a short amount of time. Even though the adventure was hard and tiring, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I miss being on the road. I miss the long hours alone in my car, not knowing where I'm going to land, or who I'll meet when I get there. I miss the constant reliance on God and His intentional provisions. Clearly, I still rely on Him every single day, but it was an entirely different experience with no job, no home, and no clue as to the danger that He constantly protected me from. I literally had to look up and wait for Him to answer. Maybe that's where my hesitation to come back into the old routine came from. Knowing that my reliance on the Lord would not be so direct. That I would be able to make a living and support myself through the exchange of hard work for a paycheck. That's not to say that I don't need God in my life right now. Of course I do. It just gets easier to rely on myself when I'm in the routine of work and cashing checks. It's easy to get distracted by life and lose focus on all that God is doing. That's the struggle now. Now, it's my turn to be intentional. 

Thank you for your patience while I explored my purpose during the hiatus over the past year. I ask for your forgiveness in being so distant and for the delay in delivering you the images I promised so long ago. I want this to change. I can't promise a definite timeline on posts, but I will promise to not hesitate any more.  As the column to the right states, this will be the place for me to process thoughts, explore ideas, and discuss emotions. Please engage in these discussions. This is not only a place for my thoughts, but let's make it a place for yours, as well. I love to hear your feedback and encouragement. I promise not to hesitate, so you don't either. Thank you, family, for your love, support, encouragement, prayers, and time spent on every word written here. I love you all!

Happy New Year!! May this be your best year yet!  

In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.
— 2 Peter 1:5-7
This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers.
— 1 Timothy 4:10
He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
— Psalm 91:4