Where I'm At

Where I'm At

As you can imagine, that is an event that you will never get over. People say it gets easier with time, but I find that statement to be completely bogus. 

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God's Entertainment vs. Man's

We made it! Bethany and I finally made it to Atlanta. Well, Alpharetta if you want to get specific. Her parents have a beautiful home on a large lake and are very gracious to let me crash here for a few days. As I am writing this post, the rain is falling hard outside and the lightning seems to draw closer and closer as the seconds between flashes and rumbles of thunder lessens. The scenery is quite different than the wide open space of New Mexico. Trees line all the roadways and direct your view to only what's ahead of you. I love the greenery but I also miss being able to see for miles in all directions no matter where I stand. I enjoyed seeing the gradual change in landscape as we drove 1800 miles over the last 5 days. Flat desert planes to rolling hills covered in green.

On Tuesday we drove into a little town called Pigeon Forge, TN. Now, if you have been to Pigeon Forge you will know exactly what I'm talking about. If you have not been there, well, let's just say this may make or break your desire to go. I had never heard of the place, so I really had no idea what to expect. Honestly, I didn't expect anything except a small town in the hills of Tennessee. Very quickly I came to realize the kind of nightmare I was driving into. On every side of me, in the front and the back, the streets are lined with large, multicolored facades of manufactured family entertainment. There was everything a visiting family could want. Talking dog comedy hour, a pig who can read minds, at least 5 different mini-golf courses to offer a variety in skill levels I am sure, more dinner theaters per capita than in the rest of the world combined, every restaurant and hotel chain in existence in America, a Titanic exhibit, Ripley's Believe It Or Not (I did), and a CVS. More family fun jam packed into one square mile than any family can handle. It's like Disney World threw up on it's way to Florida and Pigeon Forge was born. 

I drove through "town" in utter disbelief. As the bright colors, random animal sculptures, and enticing signage beckoning the unsuspecting passer by with promises of good family fun for a steal was punching the back of my eyeballs repeatedly, all I could do was shake my head and try, unsuccessfully, to pick my jaw up off the floor. Slowly I could feel a weight pushing down on me and a sudden urgency to punch my gas pedal to get out of there as fast as I possibly could. That, of course, would mean ramming the thousands of cars on the small road heading to their next fun-filled experience with my little Camry and possibly taking out a few tourists trying to cross the road to their fourth putt-putt tour of the day. A small price to pay to release me from this nightmare sooner

(Please forgive the distracted shooting style and poor sound quality :-)

Please don't take my interpretation of this world as a negative one. If this is something you and your family enjoy doing, by all means, you need to go to Pigeon Forge, TN. For me, however, this type of crowded, overpriced, manufactured vacation destination is more work than play. I would need a vacation from that "vacation" just to regroup and get back into my body. I remember liking this type of thing when I was a kid and I have no idea when or why that has changed. Now, it boggles my mind to try and process spending valuable time and A LOT of money for this type of entertainment. Not my thing. 

We met up with our wonderful friends, Dan & Danielle Pena, in Gatlinburg, TN. They happen to be on vacation and invited us to stay the night as we neared the end of our trek to get Bethany home. I missed them so much! Taylor, their 5 year old, showed me all her ballet moves and her missing front tooth. While Braxton, their 1 year old, marched around on his tree trunk legs laughing and smiling as much as one that small can. Dan's parents are such a delight and were truly gracious to allow Bethany and I to crash their vacay. 

Wednesday afternoon we finally left the Penas and headed out on our last leg for GA. The drive out was absolutely incredible. Our GPS took us through the Smokey Mountain's lush, green landscape. What a contrast to the drive the previous day. As I drove through the mountains, listening to worship music, windows down, singing to my God, I felt such peace and comfort. I thought to myself "how can anyone rather spend thousands of dollars to experience manufactured, low scale, thoughtless entertainment when God has given us all the entertainment we need in His beautiful creation?" I was in my element. Nothing but me, God, and His creativity.

I'd like to travel through the Smokies again and stay several days to really absorb what God has made and, of course, take pictures. During the next couple days I will be researching and defining my next route on this adventure. For me, this is when my adventure truly begins because I will not be held down my a schedule or itinerary. With God as my navigator I will be completely open to His guidance and direction. I have no idea what He has planned or where He needs me to go, but I do know that this is what He wants me to do and my obedience to Him will be rewarded in this life or the next. I look forward to sharing this experience and many more photos with all of you.

Please continue to pray for me. Pray that my heart and mind are open to hear God's direction. That I only go where He needs me to. Also, for an unashamed passion, boldness, and courage to share His Good News with those who need to hear it. I want everything I do to honor my God and I want nothing outside His will for me. I'm grateful for the unending peace and comfort that He has blessed me with knowing I am on the path He has laid out for me, using the tools He has given me to be successful. 

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting in you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.
Psalms 143:8