Am I the Only One?

What is a photographer? What really defines that title and who deserves such recognition? Is it how many photos you shoot? How many days of the week you have a camera in your hand? How many times you've been published or sold a print? How many times you've booked a shoot? How many posts you have on Instagram? 

I've asked myself these questions for years. In fact, I wouldn't even entertain the title for myself until several years into my shooting experience. Even after shooting for the last nine years, I still struggle with the term. In this day and age where digital is king and anyone can pick up a camera and call themselves a photographer, the challenge to stand out and be seen is increasingly more difficult. I find myself constantly comparing myself to other photographers that I know or even come across on social media. Am I as good as they are? Do I even stack up to what they're doing? Is my style even worth looking at? All thoughts that I struggle with continually. 

It wasn't until my adventure in 2014 that I finally came to realize that I am a photographer. That my photos do hold up and that the Lord truly blessed me with an eye for composition and framing. I will always remember that and never take it for granted. I now know that was one of the reasons God took me out there. He showed me my gift is real and worthy. This does not mean, however, that I am always confident in my work and that I don't ask myself those afore-mentioned questions any more. I certainly do. 

You know what it is for me? I struggle with inspiration when I'm at home. I struggle seeing my city and surrounding nature as new and inspiring. It's hard for me to reset my view and discover the creativity all around me. Please understand, that I constantly see beauty all around me and continually praise God for surrounding me with such and the eyes to take it all in. However, when it comes to taking out my camera to go explore what's all around me, I falter.  This I am not proud of.

Why is it some people are completely attached to their camera never leaving home without it and I barely take mine out of the case?  Why is it that I feel the need to compare myself to other photographers? I hate these questions. I hate even more that they plague my thoughts and confidence. Today, I am convicted of not listening to God's Holy Spirit inside me and resting in His truth.

Paul said in Galatians 6:4 "Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else." This is my truth, not the continuous criticism I hear in my mind. I will continue to make this verse a reality in my work and in my thought life. My rewards for a job well done are waiting for me in heaven. They are not here in the approval of others or the recognition from peers. In the meantime, I am called to honor God with the talents and abilities He has given me to further His kingdom and point the world back to Him. This will be my focus. I will be better. 

One last thought, if you've made it this far. I need to especially thank my incredible support system God has employed all around me. Without their comfort, encouragement, correction and continuous challenges, my life would be quite empty and pointless. I know the self-doubt and negativity would overwhelm me and eventually take over. I can guarantee that I would be an ugly person that no one wanted anything to do with. Fortunately, God had other plans and blessed me beyond measure with people who genuinely care and support me through every trial and triumph in my life. I love them beyond expectation and I hope that I can offer even the smallest amount of their love and encouragement in return. Although I know God is already returning their grace and love back to them ten times over. Thank you, Mom, Bethany, Michael, Joel, Michelle, Dominic, and Christina! You are the inner circle, the ones I cannot live my life without. Thank you! To my other friends reading this, you are incredibly important to me and I genuinely value your friendship and company. Thank you for always standing by me offering incredible levels of compassion and optimism! None of which ever goes unnoticed. Thank you!


Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.
— Galatians 6:4
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
— Luke 6:38