My Mission

My whole world is about to change. Next month I am beginning an adventure that will change my perspective on this world and my role in society. I have been called to travel around the world sharing the love of Christ through my love of photography. 

It's easy to go about our busy lives ignorant to the suffering all around us. We get caught up in our families, our jobs, social status, physical appearance, or how much stuff we have. Distractions are everywhere and we easily succumb to spending valuable time on things that do not matter or that we cannot take with us when we die. Well, I'm done with that life. I'm ready to liquidate and start the journey the Lord called me on 6 months ago. I'm ready to start focusing on the needs of other people in this world instead of my own. So many people in this world feel forgotten, lonely, and abandon. No human being should ever feel that way no matter what their experience, race, creed, lifestyle, or circumstance. My hope is to change that. Even if I can only change that for one person, my journey will be worth it. I want to show them that they are not forgotten, they are not alone, and, most importantly, that they are loved. If a complete stranger will give up everything and travel long distances to show someone how much they are loved and not forgotten, how much more does the God of the universe, who created them and knows them more intimately than they know themselves, love them? God's love does not fail, does not give up, and does not cause harm. It is everlasting and unconditional no matter what we have done, who we have hurt, or how much we have screwed up. Everyone should know that about our God and I want to do my part in sharing His love with the world. 

My mission is a mission of hope, compassion, and, yes, you guessed it, love. Long ago my great God built in me a desire for photography and a passion for the hurting and broken people in this world. I am so thankful that now I get to put both of those passions to good use. Every personal encounter is an opportunity for life change and to share the love that He first shared with me. Every photo has a story to tell and is a reminder that we are all human in need of love, hope, nourishment, and companionship. With every picture shared, I pray you will be inspired to help. That you will give up the extra in your life to someone who doesn't have enough. 

We are blessed with so much in this country that we often take for granted and forget how much we really have. Use what God has blessed you with to help someone less fortunate than you, today. You never know how much of an impact you might have on the lives of people all around you until you give. Whether it's your time, talents, or treasures, please help someone know they are loved and not forgotten. We are all human and we all have made mistakes. No one is perfect but we are all loved. Tell someone you love them. Don't wait because this life is fleeting and you might not have another chance. 

Please consider supporting me on this adventure through your donations and prayers. You can donate right here on my blog with your debit or credit card. I assure you that every dime given will be used to further the Good News of Jesus Christ and help those less fortunate know they are loved. 

God bless you and thank you for your support!!


The Spirit of the Sovereign lord is upon me, for the lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.

Isaiah 61:1-2