There's Nothing Like a Free Meal

As I sit down at the table with my cereal and coffee, a nice gentleman turns to me and says with a smile "I see you've got your sword out." I replied with a return smile, "I sure do, sir." Simple words to confirm God is working in this land and encouragement again that we who believe are not alone. A simple phrase that I will take with me on our ADVENTURE!

Note to self: Hit up a local hotel every morning for free continental breakfast. It's hot, free, and delicious. 

I'm slowly gathering all these tips as we get closer to Atlanta. Today we will travel from Bethany, OK (I know right, hilarious, because I'm with Bethany) to Memphis, TN where we will hopefully engage in a face-covered-in-sauce brawl with a plate of BBQ ribs. MmmmmHmmmmm. 

The Lord is continually blessing me with a sense of peace that, of course, cannot be explained unless you have experienced it for yourself. This will be a short post with no pictures to accompany. Since we have a schedule we somewhat have to keep to get Bethany home in time for school, there isn't much room for exploring. Maybe tonight will be different if we get to Memphis in time. 

If you know anyone in Memphis that would like to show us around or possibly let two ladies and two cats crash their pad for a night, please let me know asap. We will be there in about 8 hours.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Remember, an excellent way of showing your support and encouragement is by donating to the travel expenses that keep me on the road. Just click the donate button to the right to send your love through numbers in an account. God bless you all!!

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25