A Prophet & A Dream

Last Wednesday, while I was driving to St. Louis, I received a phone call that changed my whole perspective. It's taken me a few days to process all that was said and to check everything according to scripture. I wanted to be sure what I heard was backed by God's word and real before I shared it with you. I am confident sharing this experience with you now because I know it is from God. 

Below is a summed up version of the prophesy I received given by Cesar, a prophet of God. The message he gave me from the Lord was edifying, encouraging, and comforting. All biblical descriptions of a true prophesy according to 1 Corinthians 14:3. Understand that Cesar and I have never met, he knew nothing about me except my name and that I love the Lord. He had no idea I was already on this adventure or what my past history has been. Everything said below is directly from God and meant specifically for me. Cesar told me later in the conversation that he had prayed for about 45 minutes before calling me, listening to all the Lord had to tell him. So humbling. 

"Ashley, please listen to this message I have for you. Do not talk or affirm anything I am about to say until I am done. Don't tell me anything or say anything, please just be quite and listen. The first thing God said is that there are people in your life that will try to talk you out of what God is doing. Do not listen to these negative words. God is jealous because you have given attention to these people and not Him. He is jealous for you. Also, there is a worry or concern over money or income. God allows certain things to dry up to bring us closer to Him. To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Eccl 3:1). I really believe you are on an appointment from God and He has taken care of everything. There is going to be favor, there is going to be open doors. The biggest thing that I saw this morning praying for you was kind of shocking. I don't know what you're going to do or what you're gifted in, but I saw the Lord giving you a very strange type of favor. A favor that will put you in front of dignitaries and leaders and presidents. You're going to have an amazing gift to speak wisdom to them. God is saying, 'I've called you as a prophet to leaders, and dignitaries, and government officials, and CEOs.'  And you're probably in a place where you're asking, 'How can I do that? How can I speak to them?' God says, 'You're going to be right in your place, you're going to be exactly who you are supposed to be.' Don't worry about that. More than anything continue to express what's in you. You are a woman that operates in the gift of faith. It doesn't come from your mind, it comes from your gut. You're going to begin to function out of your gut more than out of your mind. You're a very expressive person, a very emotional person and you are going to experience a very unusual John 7:38 flow of the spirit. Which says, 'He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.' You have a river of creativity, a river of leadership, a river of the prophetic that flow from you. An unusual river of favor and influence that fell upon you. God is going to show you how to flow with no reservations, no hesitation, no insecurity. You're going to be consumed by God. 'You're all mine,' He says. You have made an absolute covenant with God, a marriage with God. He is saying, 'this girl got it right.' One of the things I was going to warn you about is your nerves and anxiety at night. The enemy wants to attack you at night. At night will not be a time for you to solve problems. Don't let the enemy bring confusion. In the morning will be a time for strategy when you're fresh. There will be a spirit of wisdom that will hit you and you will have a burning passion with vision. God is saying, 'You're on a new assignment and my hand is on you. Don't look at what's been done, look at what I'm telling you to do. Look at what I'm showing you.' Callings are not based on titles, callings are based on assignments. So, you specifically do your specific assignment and be yourself. You are going to walk with Jesus, not walk with someone's opinion. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors of Christ. We don't represent the sick to God, we represent God to the sick. In your age, and with your art, you don't represent nature and perspective to God, you represent God's perspective to the world. You are his ambassador.  Flow from your gut, do what God is telling you, be radical, no more anxieties at night. I really believe you're a prophet of the nations. You're going to have prophetic expressions. A prophet doesn't always have to talk in words, a prophet speaks in different ways, in art. Psalm 78:2 says, 'I will open up my mouth in a parable.' A piece of expression in word or picture. In a picture. That's your call. I also wrote down here no guilt. No guilt over the past, drugs, sex, anything. God loves you for who you are. They are little things to us but they are big things to God because he is so into our identity. You know why you're so different, Ashley? There's a Hebrew word "Roel" which means a seer, a prophet that God created. They might not prophesy in word but they see things. They see through the junk and nobody can lie to them because they see right through it. In Hebrew it means an unknown bird of prey with a keen sense of sight. So, your gift soars whether you see it or not. That's why you have such a different perspective. You've always been different your whole life. The other meaning is intercourse with God. Which means you have access to God's heart that no else does, an intimacy with God. You're in a time of a dream being made. Sometimes you have to leave in order to engage into your dream."

As soon as I hung up the phone, I was elated. I thanked the Lord over and over. I turned up the radio and worshiped my God at the top of my lungs. A permanent smile hijacked my face for the next several hours as I drove across God's beautiful country. Never before have I had so much truth spoken into my life at one time. This was the first prophesy I have ever received and it did not disappoint. There is no doubt that Cesar has the gift of prophesy and that God used him to encourage me on this adventure. No matter what others may say, I know God is pleased. I know He called me on this assignment and He has something planned for me that is seriously beyond my imagination. I cannot wait to experience all God is going to do and to share every experience with all of you. 

The adventure continues here in Topeka, KS. Soon, I'll head out to Colorado and do some camping and see a few friends. I have a renewed fire and energy, and I believe the Lord is slowly revealing His purpose for me on this adventure. 


But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them and comforts them. 
1 Corinthians 14:3
But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. 
Jeremiah 17:7 
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Psalm 139:23-24